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Tag: Mark Wigfield


POTS sunset on the horizon?

January 7, 2010Daniel Gelinas

WASHINGTON--Plain-old telephone service--the mainspring of traditional burg and fire alarm signal transmission--could be coming to a mandatory end. The Federal Communications Commission on Dec. 1 issued a public notice seeking comment on a National Broadband Plan that could include a mandatory switch from a public switched telephone network to IP, similar to the FCC-enforced switch from analog to digital broadcast television that occurred in early 2009. For an exclusive look at how IP technology...

2GIG Technologies, AICC, Alarm Industry Communications Committee, AT&T, Electronic Security Association, ESA, FCC, Federal Communications Commission, John Chwat, Lance Dean, Mark Wigfield, National Broadband Plan, POTS, POTS sunset, PSTN, Ralph Sevinor, Wayne Alarm Systems

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